HI *waves*
I'd like to take the time to thank all of you who have continuously checked this blog for my return... I'd especially like to thank those of you who have messaged me asking if I planned to return and giving me sweet words of understanding (for my much needed time off) and beautiful words of encouragement. I'm sorry it took so long, but that urge just wasn't there... not that I haven't read some AMAZING books, because I have... but that urge to sit down and write out my feelings was just... gone. No matter how much I loved the book or how much I wanted to share it with you... I just couldn't find that urge... and I truly believe that if that desire to do it isn't there, it won't be well received. So... even though it's been over a year.....Thank you for all of your understanding and support... I can't even begin to express how much it has meant to me!
Obviously, it's been forever since I've had that driving urge to write a blog post with what I've read and what I recommend... BUT, I've got it back. YAY! I want to take things slow as far as reviews/blogging goes because it's been a while and I don't want to overwhelm myself and end up burned out again. I also want to do things differently in hopes that I can emotionally get back to the basics - the reason WHY I wanted to even start a blog. It's all about the books and recommending those books to my fellow book lovers.
So.... here's my plan.
Instead of daily posts with a review for only 1 book, I'm going to do weekly posts with all the books I read that week. The reviews will be short... maybe a paragraph (or two depending how much I need to chat about it) and I will also say whether I recommend it or not. I'll see how this works out for me for a few months and either continue on or reevaluate how I want to do things with Lori's Book Blog. For now, Lori's Book Blog will be review only... and only reviews on books that I've purchased via Amazon, simply because it looked good and I wanted to read it. There won't be any author spotlights, release day blitz, cover reveals, blog tours, or anything like that (For now at least).... it will strictly be Reviews/Recommendations on books that I have found myself or have been recommended to me.
So let me know what you think too... whether or not you like the weekly posts with a few books and short reviews or if you'd rather see more... but keep in mind I want to keep this strictly review only for now!
Welcome back, Lori!!!!!!