Book description....
When Dr. Alyssa Foster is taken hostage by a prison inmate, she knows she's in deep trouble. Not just because Teague Creek is desperate for freedom, but because the moment his fingers brush against her skin, Alyssa feels a razor-sharp pang of need...
A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn't, until his escape plan develops a fatal flaw: Alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever...
Okay so before I say anything about this book let's just take a minute and enjoy that beautiful cover.... YUM-A-LICOUS!!!!!
I've got to be honest here and say that I was unsure if I was going to review this book or not. I have struggled with my thoughts on this book for the past 3 days and finally decided I just needed to sit down and just start thinking to see if I can actually put my thoughts into words that will actually some what make sense.... So just be warned, this review will probably suck and most likely my thoughts will be all over the place lol.
So first things first... Bad Boy? Ummm.... sign me up... Wait... never mind.... NO! Sign me up.... these were my thoughts through out the book when it came to Teague. When I read the product description I thought... "well well well.... a bad boy to the core, sounds like my kind of book" so when I started reading I had this unrealistic expectation that he was going to sweep Alyssa off her feet and charm her panties off... without any violence. Okay, so I obviously was wrong and that's what I get for getting my hopes up, not to mention that would be pretty unrealistic right?... note to self.... "Lori, if you want a book to go your way... write your own!" Pfft, yeah right.. I'd rather just read them!
So Teague... who is HOT.... literally... in every way you can imagine, and when I say every way... I mean... EVERY WAY!!!! has just escaped prison in what I would call a pretty clever way.... not that it's right, and this will be the only time in this review that I will say that because for some strange reason I felt it was necessary for me to say I don't approve of someone escaping prison, regardless of his/her reasons.... ANYWAY, he escapes and grabs a hostage in the process.... one very sexy little Dr Alyssa Foster. He's got some issues he needs to work out, he's on the run... obviously because he just escaped prison, but that's not the only reason he is on the run. A lot has happened in Teague's past... things that need to be figured out, regardless if he wants them to be solved or not, plus he has an amends to make.. not that he wants to do that either, and quite frankly I don't blame him... however, I see where it needs to be done. So he has all this to face while dragging Alyssa along for the ride because he needs her... actually needs her to get what he wants... but is she the right girl?
Alyssa is on a mission right now in life and is trying to break free so she is the one chosen for the fellowship at the hospital she's working at and once she is held hostage... everything she worked, hard, to accomplish all went down the drain.... and she is one pissed off woman who is full of attitude and is not ready to give up and give into Teague's demand that she shut up and behave! I absolutely loved her! She knew what she wanted, she was smart.. extremely smart, and knew when not to give up. I admired her strength, although sometimes I wish she would have shoved a sock in it... most of the time I absolutely loved her. There was only one thing that grated on my nerves and that was her almost desperation to be with him. He was dealing with his own demons, had been without a woman for years... and was extremely attracted to her, was on the run not only from the law but also from some pretty bad people who wanted Teague... G.O.N.E... gone, and he had a future he had to figure out with someone special to him. Don't get me wrong I understood the attraction and it was obvious that she felt his desire for her but she just would not take no for an answer.... granted it worked out for her in the long run but I personally like to see the heroes do the chasing, not the other way around.
Here is where I would normally continue on with my thoughts on these characters and the relationship either soared or crashed... but... I'm not going to... I actually can't. I'm still struggling with my thoughts and everything they went through together... the challenges they had to face and then to be quite honest I have to say that I still have unanswered questions and I'm hoping that this series will continue on with Alyssa and Teague instead of moving on to another character.... Or I should say, I want my questions answered and then maybe we could learn a little more about Luke or Mitch... yeah....sigh... I wouldn't mind knowing more about those two!!!! Then there is the fact that if I give you any more info to go on then I'll basically be giving the whole book away..... This is one of those books where you really do need to pay close attention because there is so much going on that it would be easy to get lost... actually it would be so easy to get lost in this book, I'm considering a reread just to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time around!
Happy Reading!
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